Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Lampikaw Tablet Rock
After that interesting Island hopping experience, we went back to Bikal port and saw this interesting rock form from afar. Lampikaw Tablet Rock might be familiar to those foreign survivor fans not just beacause of nice location but because of memorable challenge happened here.

Lampikaw Tablet2
The solo rock, Lampikaw.
It's like an isolated rock, sprouted far from the rock formation beside it.

Lampikaw Tablet3
The challenge spot.
July 31, 2011
Like what I mentioned on my previous blog post, this was one of the location of foreign Survivor TV show, but unfortunately, that wooden structure is just a remnant due to a typhoon struck Caramoan and casted it away to another island, the Minalahus Island. Because of it's incompleteness, we weren't able to experience the survivor excitement contestants had before.


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