Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Cagbalinad Island, Caramoan.
Another Island explored after Lajos Island, the Cagbalinad Island. Before we proceed to the Island itself, we had snorkeling.

Island is so rich in marine life, you can see how much fish enjoy swimming with you without any feed (bread to attract fishes) and corals beautifully arranged under. It's like 5-10 meters away from the shore where this experience is no way impossible!

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Submerged into bluish waters of Cagbalinad Island.
Vest are provided by our tour guide and goggles are rented for 100 each. Well that cost is cheaper compared to what Island waters offer you.

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Flower like corals.
Cagbalinad Island4
Life under our boat.
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Wee my camera caught a bluish fish.
It's so good to take pictures here because of it's clear waters and well marine life, but be sure to have good cameras as well. Charge it full or bring battery extras, or you'll missed this underwater pic exploration like us. haha.

After snorkeling for about 30-45 mins, we went to the Island proper through hitching the boat's outrigger. It's really fun to be dragged though the water, so relaxing! :)

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High tide time when we visited the Island.
After feeling of sand touching our feet, we walked then to reach the Islands shore. Here it is, the Island. Actually it's beach isn't visible because of high tide. Compare it with the previous photos above.

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Under a huge rock in the middle of the beach front.
You'll notice this huge rock in the middle once you've reached the shore. Underneath it lies many holes, like mini caves, which is more evident during low tides, however in high tides you have to submerge in water first to see it.

Cagbalinad Island1

Then we climb on the said rock bare footed. It's kinda spiny in texture and might induce injury. Also do not jump on waters if it's not that high, you might get injured. BTW, the view in our back is the Hunongan Beach.

This lovely snorkeling-island adventure happened last July 30, 2011 with my BF. Its a good thing we went there in high tide because we're able to jump and splash into the waters, maybe next time we'll try in low tide so we can take a good picture of it's sand and compared it on other Caramoan's Islands.

July 31, 2011: 
This Island is great.It has good marine life and has so clear and bluish waters. I recommend this for a nice snorkeling experience.


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