Tuesday, 27 December 2011

VacationBlahs#8: TIPS│Getting to Beautiful Peninsula of Caramoan

Matukad Island, Caramoan.
When we had trip to Caramoan, we had direct flight to Naga and outrigger boat to the said Peninsula.

Biyahe Caramoan
Plane tickets to Naga.
Book any of domestic flights to Naga City (377 km South of Manila) and enjoy the 8 hour ride from your favorite plane to Pili Airport, Naga.
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Naga Airport.
From Naga City Central Terminal, you can rent a van or cab that take you to Sabang port (2hr ride). There are two ports in Sabang so remind your cab driver to take you to port going to Caramoan.

However if you have accommodation and city tour at Naga, they have free transport from airport to hotel. Same as to your Caramoan accomodation who'll take care all of your Naga-Caramoan-Naga Airport transports.
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Ferry boat from Guijalo port Caramoan docked already at Sabang port, 10:00AM.
We left the New Crown Hotel at Naga around 6AM and came 9 AM at Sabang Port where we took commercial boats (bangka) that ferry passengers to the Guijalo, Caramoan Port. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the first trip which was 6AM and just waited for the next one, 10Am. Hotel Roa owner in Caramoan, Dr. Ramon Roa who accompanied us said that locals (wearing black shirt in the above photo) used to carry passengers and luggages on their backs to keep them dry from and to the boat. But because of gender difference among lifters and passengers, especially among females, they made this wooden bridge to help them cross safely. Schedule varies depends how long a boat takes to fill up passengers and luggages, but usually hourly boat departure starts at 5 AM with travel time of 2-3 hours.

1030AM and we're off to Caramoan. A boat with capacity of almost 50-60 person started to sail. I think this boat was powered by a car engine because of its sound, moreover it has an exhaust same with a vehicle.
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Guijalo port, 1230PM.
For a two hour ride, the seat for me was uncomfortable. It is wooden (made my gluteus max ache) and has a narrow seat distance from one seat to another which was basically not comfortable especially for tall people, you tend to side sit because your knees might bumped to back of the front seat. On the other hand, if you want to have a nice view of Islands and beaches during your sea travel to Caramoan, you sit on right side facing the sea. If you were late you have no choice but to sit on the left side where minimal view is unappreciated.
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Our ferry boat.
Boat reached Guijalo at 12:15PM. We were almost near the port then, but I was puzzled why this commercialized ferry boat stopped quite distant from it. Then after seconds, several small boats came fetching passengers. We're like being attacked by pirates! haha. We'll it was low tide that's why. All the passengers' things that time were located on a certain area so we can't get it at once, they just asked us to ride the boat first and waited for our baggages at the port. Of course I was nervous about our things, but nothing to worry, all of the locals and lifters were honest, just keep an eye on other passengers, they might carry away yours.
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Leaving the port.
When we reached the port, we noticed unusual bigger tricycles offering ride and hotel accommodations. So if you haven't took any tour packages, don't worry, Hotels will make it easier for you and will arrange everything in a very cheap price!
Remember: Boat ride from Guijalo Caramoan port back to Sabang Naga is until 11 AM only.

Land Travel From Naga City to Caramoan:

There are five Naga-Caramoan-NAga jeepney that carries maximum of 25 passengers which is only available during months of March, April and May. Jeepney Caramoan-Naga terminal is located at San Francisco Church Naga City. Schedule of departure is at 12 midnight till 1AM. 
July 31, 2011


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